Monday, September 14, 2009

Lily makes my heart skip a beat

This fashion week event in Coco Chanel's place, Lily "the Fear" shows off her talent in DJ and I admire her as a talented singer but not as a fashionable lady. Dear Lily, the whole world knows that your favorite fashion brand is Chanel. I wonder what Lagerfeld thinks when he sees her. Yes, she is wearing a top that I don't know how to describe it but it does remind me of icon maid in Japanese comics. Yup, that is the famous icon in manga calls maid girl.
Those vertical ruffles are making her arms look fatter and she just looks so weird. Furthermore, the horizontal ruffles below her breasts are making her breasts look like a pregnant woman. Her outfit is something that I can't fall for.


This is the manga maid girl. The outfit is similar but this manga girl is much cuter!!

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